Terms & Conditions

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Terms and Conditions

NH Trade Fair Terms and Conditions for Vendors

Welcome to NH Trade Fair, the innovative digital marketplace for the Hausa-speaking community. These Terms and Conditions are designed to ensure a productive, fair, and legally compliant environment for all vendors. Your use of our platform signifies your agreement to these terms.

1. Vendor Eligibility and Registration

  • Eligibility Criteria: Vendors must be of legal age and possess the authority to enter into contractual agreements. Businesses must be legally registered and in compliance with local and international trade laws.
  • Account Registration: Accurate, complete, and up-to-date information is required for account setup. NH Trade Fair reserves the right to verify this information and decline applications that do not meet our standards.
  • Account Security: Vendors are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account credentials and for all activities under their account.

2. Product and Service Listings

  • Listing Requirements: All listings must accurately describe the products or services offered. Clear pricing, availability, and shipping terms must be included.
  • Prohibited Content: Listings must not contain any illegal, offensive, or otherwise prohibited materials. NH Trade Fair will promptly remove listings that violate these standards.
  • Intellectual Property Compliance: Vendors must own or have authorization to use all intellectual property in their listings, including images, logos, and product descriptions.

3. Transactions and Payments

  • Transaction Handling: Vendors agree to process orders promptly and professionally, maintaining high standards of customer service.
  • Financial Terms: NH Trade Fair’s fees, and payment schedules will be clearly outlined and subject to periodic review and modification.

4. Vendor Conduct

  • Professionalism: Vendors must conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times, treating customers and NH Trade Fair staff with respect.
  • Conflict Resolution: Vendors agree to resolve disputes with customers amicably and in accordance with NH Trade Fair’s dispute resolution procedures.

5. Data Privacy and Security

  • Data Protection: Vendors must comply with applicable data protection laws, ensuring the confidentiality and security of customer data.
  • Data Use: Personal data obtained through NH Trade Fair must not be used for any unauthorized purposes, such as unsolicited marketing.

6. Legal Compliance

  • Lawful Operations: Vendors are solely responsible for adhering to all laws and regulations pertaining to their business operations, including tax obligations, import/export regulations, and consumer rights.

7. Platform Modifications and Availability

  • Service Availability: NH Trade Fair strives to ensure consistent availability of its platform but does not guarantee uninterrupted service.
  • Changes to the Platform: NH Trade Fair reserves the right to modify, enhance, or discontinue any aspect of the platform at any time.

8. Termination and Suspension

  • Breach of Terms: Violation of these terms may result in temporary suspension or permanent termination of a vendor’s account.
  • Voluntary Termination: Vendors may cease using NH Trade Fair’s services in accordance with the outlined termination procedures.

9. Limitation of Liability

  • Indemnification: Vendors agree to indemnify NH Trade Fair against any claims, damages, or legal actions resulting from their use of the platform or breach of these terms.
  • Liability Limitations: NH Trade Fair is not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the platform.

10. Amendments to Terms

  • Updates to Terms: NH Trade Fair reserves the right to update these terms periodically. Vendors will be notified of significant changes, and continued use of the platform will constitute acceptance of the new terms.
31 Blantyre street, off Adetokumbo Ademola Crescent Wuse 2
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